Since 2005 the Archaeological Project of Bajo Azucar (PABA) and the University of Texas at Austin, conduct research in the southeastern part of Rio Azul and adjacent area. PABA is directed by Liwy Grazioso and Fred Valdez Jr.

In 2008 the Intervention and Restoration Programme for Rio Azul Tombs (PITRA) performed preventive conservation procedures in Tombs 1 and 19. Conservation strategies in both tombs would't have been possible without the sponsorship and generosity of Leon  & Randie Reinhart and the Reinhart Foundation

Last June PITRA team of conservators concluded 2010 field season in which Tombs 6 and 12, and Stela 2 were subject of conservation and restoration procedures. Field work was carried out under the auspices of the Department of State of the United States, through the Ambassador's  Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP)

PITRA is conducted by Liwy Grazioso with the support of the Institute of Anthropology and History of Guatemala (IDAEH) in collaboration with conservators and archaeologists Daniel Juarez from the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico (INAH) and Norma Garcia from Perpetua Restauracion.